
division line / performance

fot. Tobiasz Papuczys
Performance performed during the night of performers in Wroclaw.
I turn on the flashlight fixed to my forehead then I go to the front door, I cut a piece of the dress and tie it to the handle, thus opening the door for the next 15 minutes becomes impossible. I inform the audience that they have to decide to enter or leave the place. Most stay inside. Gradually, I start cutting off the bottom part of the dress, during cutting off the dress I moving away from the door. A red line appears in space, sometimes highlighted with the light of the flashlight on my head. I move farther and farther away, to keep the continuity of the cut I turn around my axis, the line is longer and longer. It is dark all around, I have black leggings and a T-shirt underneath the dress, cutting the dress disappearing in the semi-darkness. I come to the stage, I enter the last piece of the dress, it breaks. The line breaks off. I turn off the light. Thank you to the audience