The potential of warm / performance
Heat transfer, home bonfire, growth, yeast, breeding, budding, greenhouse effect, consumption, keeping warm in February …
„The potential of warm” – a performance carried out in the MD_S gallery in Wrocław on the special polish holiday „The Fat Thursday” – with is in the last week of carnival and it’s the day when you could eat as many donuts as you can.
The performance lasted 3 hours, with stages the first part: preparing the leaven next: growing yeast dough on my the chest. Then I invited the viewers to seat next to me and grow their donut on their hands, or on another part of the body. At the last stage, I was sitting in the foil tent and couldn’t move because of growing donuts, So I was giving the orders to the viewers how the ovens preparing oil and all the necessary things to fry donuts work, interesting in the process of frying the most engaged men.
Finally, we fried donuts and there were really good.
The title „The potential of warm” is pointing the possibilities offered by heat, in this case, growth, warm can be literally understood as temperature, but in Polish language, warm is also combined with a specific character trait. I was interested in the operation of a physical phenomenon with semantic properties. The work is part of the unfinished series but also constitutes a separate whole.